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A Little About Us At Color Country Doodles!


Color Country Doodles is a dedicated Dog Breeder based in Southern Utah. First and foremost our Dams and Doodle and Poodle puppies are all raised in our home, right along side our children and other pets.  These puppies are a part of our family and go straight from our family to yours.  Every puppy that leaves our home is truly a treasure and we could not be more excited to share these amazing puppies, complete with their fun, loving, attentive, happy personalities with you. Our goal is to breed quality, healthy, happy Doodle and Poodle puppies. We select our breeding pairs based on health, personality, and temperament, with the goal always in mind of improving the breed.  We strive to make the transition from our loving home to yours as easy as possible.  Read on to learn several techniques we use with our puppies to achieve this goal!


We love to educate our doodle and Poodle puppies' new owners about the breed and ensure these precious puppies get the love, care and attention they deserve.

About: About

More About Aussiedoodles!


If there are two words I could use to describe Aussiedoodles, they would be FUN and HAPPY!  

Aussiedoodles have a zest for life and a desire to please.  Also known as an Einstein dog, these babies are smart!  An Aussiedoodle is a pairing between a Poodle and an Australian Shephard, both breeds rank among the highest on the dog intelligence scale.  And boy, does it show! You want to teach one of these puppies a trick?  No problem! Their high intelligence combined with their desire to please, you'll have a superstar in no time!

Aussiedoodles are known for their playful, happy, friendly nature.  They make a fantastic family dog with their seemingly innate love for children. When I was searching for the breed of dog I wanted, I had two top priorities, I wanted a dog that my children could grow up with and play with, and I wanted a dog that did not shed.  I certainly found the jackpot!

Which brings me to the next point about these wonderful dogs, Aussiedoodles are low to no shedding due to their Poodle heritage.  Our Aussiedoodle litters are all either genetically F1BB, or multigenerational.  We chose these generations of Aussiedoodles because they have the best chance of being both non-shedding AND as hypoallergenic as any dog can be!  A perfect combination!

Thanks to their Australian Shepherd heritage, Aussiedoodles are colorful!  They come in all the standard colors Poodles come in, as well as all the colors Australian Shepherds come in, which means they come in just about every dog color there is! 


Also, thanks to their Australian Shepherd heritage, Aussiedoodles can have a tendency towards herding, which isn't always ideal when you have little ones running around....but remember that part about them being little Einsteins? Yep, my puppies have always quickly learned that that behavior is not wanted by me, and with minimal corrections. I love these guys!

I may be a bit biased, but in my book, Aussiedoodles are pretty much perfection.  They are not too big, and not too small, thus are great for older and younger owners alike.  As I stated above, since the generations of Aussiedoodles I have chosen to breed are almost guaranteed to be as non-shedding as Poodles, this also means they will require more grooming.  New owners need to be aware of the time and expense involved with the maintenance of these doodle puppies.  Generally, they will require professional grooming every 6-8 weeks (unless you groom yourself, like I do!).  To avoid matting, most Aussiedoodle coat types will require daily brushing as well.  Although the grooming does involve a lot of time and expense, this is one of my favorite things about the breed, because not only are you NOT going to find clumps of fur all over your home, but you also can change the way your dog looks over and over again by choosing different styling cuts (and believe me, we definitely have fun with this)! 

Aussiedoodles will alert you when someone is at the door, and with early socialization, they are friendly with everyone. They have the energy to go, go, go if that is your lifestyle.  And if you prefer a little slower pace of life, take your Aussiedoodle for a nice, good walk, and then sit back and enjoy its company!  And talk about snuggle bugs! They will definetely let you know that they love you! 

About: About Us
All About Poodles!

Really, Poodles are the original doodle, lol!  Poodles are beautiful, strong, sensitive, loving, dedicated, intelligent dogs who live to please and cuddle their owners, lol!  Originally bred in Germany, their name means "to splash in the water."  That's right, these were originally bred as hunting dogs, being used primarily for water retrieving! 

In the US, Poodles come in three sizes, Standard, Miniature, and Toy.  Standard Poodles should be more than 15 inches at the shoulder and generally weigh between 40-70 pounds.  Miniature Poodles should be between 10-15 inches and weight between 10-15 pounds.  Toy Poodles should be below 10 inches and typically weigh 6-10 pounds.  In Europe, there is a third size of Poodle recognized, the Moyen.  Moyen Poodles Stand between 15-20 inches and generally weigh between 15-35 pounds.  To determine which size your Poodle is, you actually go by height, not necessarily weight.

Okay, let's talk about their hair!  Poodles are some of the most universally recognizable breeds because of their crazy hairstyles.  They are so much fun to style.  Let your imagination be your guide!  Poodles can be groomed in the puppy style, teddy bear, doodle, German, pony, shaved down, or anything in between!  Heck, I've seen Poodles shaved to look like lions, zebras, giraffes, skeletons, all kinds of fun things!  You like mohawks?  Go for it!  Because they have hair, instead of fur, their coats don't grow to a certain length and then fall out, this is what most dog's fur does, called shedding.  Poodle hair just keeps growing!  Because of this, they are considered non-shedding.  This also means that they require more regular grooming than many other breeds, however, and this is something all Poodle and doodle owners should be aware of and prepared for.  Although there is time and expense involved, this is one of my favorite aspects of the breed, because it is so much fun to change up the entire look of your dog, just with a haircut and style, lol!

These babies are smart!  In fact, they make the list of the five most intelligent dog breeds, most scales listing them as number two or three!  With their intelligence and their innate eagerness to please their humans, they are easily trainable and so quick to pick up on new commands and tricks!  

Bottom line, is these dogs are smart, fun, happy, loving family dogs!  They love to play, and they love to snuggle!  Our Poodle, Raya, is the biggest snuggler I've ever met, and I love it!  They come in a variety of colors and patterns, and are an amazing, fantastic breed to own!

The Amazing, time-honored Goldendoodle!

You can't get a more quintessential doodle than a Goldendoodle!  One of the original doodle breeds, Goldendoodles are considered the classic doodle for a reason!  Their sweet, good-natured temperaments, combined with the non-shedding gene from the Poodle, make them an overall-top contender any any dog breed list!

Goldendoodles are created from two breeds: the Golden Retriever and the Poodle.  Golden Retrievers have long been one of America's favorite dog breeds.  They are sweet, great with children, and friendly with strangers.  They are smart and eager to please!  They are loyal and full of love.  And they are beautiful!  They are an all-around good dog for sure!  One of the biggest complaints owners of Golden Retrievers have had forever, is their shedding!  Oh my, can they shed!  And here, is where the Goldendoodle really shines!  A doodle breeder who understands their dogs' genetics and knows what they are doing, will breed Goldendoodles who are just as non-shedding as Poodles!  This breed is pretty much a match made in heaven!

Along with the non-shedding gene, Poodles bring their wicked intelligence, their drive to learn and their dedication to please their owners to the mix! Not to mention their colors!  While Golden Retrievers are known for their beautiful, golden coloring, Goldendoodles can come in any color a Poodle comes in, which is just about every dog color!  You can get a puppy in the typical Goldendoodle coloring, or you can spice it up, with a different color that may appeal to you!

Remember when I was talking about that amazing non-shedding coat?  Well with that, comes also the added responsibility of grooming your pup!  Grooming needs of a Goldendoodle are going to be higher than a Golden Retriever, because their hair doesn't shed, it just keeps growing.  With that, comes the chance for matting.  So daily brushing is highly recommended, as is regular grooming and styling.  While this is an added expense, it is also so fantastically fun, because you can go wild with how you would like your Goldendoodle groomed or styled!  The options are vast, and it is so fun to see the many changes in looks your best pup can have, just with a simple grooming visit!

All-in-all, Goldendoodles are an excellent choice for any family.  They are a beautiful, sweet, loving dog, who will bring endless joy and love into your home!

BioSensor Training And Puppy Culture

Early Neurologic Stimulation


Here at Color Country Doodles, we strongly believe in providing each of our puppies with the best possible start to life.  With this view in mind, from day 3 to day 16 of their life we do BioSensor Training (Super Dog Training, or ENS) with each pup.  What is BioSensor training you might ask?  BioSensor training was originally developed by the military for use with their canines.  However, studies have shown that the almost immediate and lasting effects of this early neurologic stimulation on a dog is universal, and truly astounding! This proven training technique has found that dogs who received ENS outperformed litter mates, had greater resilience as well as adaptability, handled stress better, had stronger immune systems (less prone to disease), stronger cardiovascular systems (heart rate), and adrenal glands.  These dogs are able to problem solve better, have improved exploratory skills, and had higher learning and performance potential.  Secondary effects of this training technique have shown that these dogs handled stressful situations more calmly and with less whining.

So why don't all breeders do this for their puppies?  Well, the short answer is, perhaps it's a lack of the breeder being informed, or perhaps it just comes down to different quality of breeders.  Regardless, these are all qualities we definitely want to see in our dogs from Country Color Doodles.  And, as BioSensor training can only be performed before the puppy's eyes and ears have opened, we are happy to provide this service for each and every one of them!

Puppy Culture is a large part of Color Country Doodles.  We know that the first 12 weeks of a puppy's life provide a crucial foundation in determining so much about how that puppy will see and react to the world around it for the rest of its life. As guardians of the puppies for the first 8 weeks of their lives, we take this responsibility seriously.  Our puppies are introduced, safely, to other dogs, people, and different breeds of animal.  When eyes and ears are opened, they are introduced to different sights and sounds.  They feel different textures under their feet. They are constantly given new experiences and toys to explore. We want all our Aussiedoodle and Bernedoodle puppies to grow up to be as versatile, confident, and secure in the world as they can be!

About: Adoption

Early Crate and Potty Training

Yep, you read that right!  

From week 3 onward, our puppies are introduced to the idea of potty training! We truly want to make the transition to your home as seemless as possible (not to mention making our own life easer, lol!), and so puppies are introduced to the idea of potty training well before leaving our care.  We utilize puppy litter boxes to teach these veracious learners that there is absolutely an acceptable place to go potty, and that is not in their "home." At this early stage in life, their "home" is the small area where they sleep, but as they grow, their concept of "home" expands, making the transition to their forever home that much more seemless, making full potty training simpler. 

A technique we have had great success in using is to simply utilize the same set up we use (a tray with Pine pellets), and gradually move that tray closer and closer to the outside door.  At the same time, begin bell training at the door so the puppy knows to ring the bell to inform you of his need/want to go outside.  Finally, move the potty tray outside, where the puppy can see it, and have the puppy ring that bell to go out and use the tray.  Then, it's an easy transition to move the tray out in the yard to wherever you would like the puppy to go potty.  Throw some pine chips in that spot, until the puppy learns that that is where he/she is supposed to go!  

Or, tweak this method in any way you desire, but either way, you have the comfort of knowing that your doodle puppy will come to your home with some basic potty training techniques already under its "belt"!

We also begin early, positive, crate training introductions.  Between the 4-6 week mark, our puppies begin sleeping at nights in a crate.  At 6 weeks until they go home, we do positive reinforcement activities with each pup and a crate.  So, whether you plan to utilize a crate or not, rest assured that your pup will have familiarity and positive experiences with them!

About: Welcome
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