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Former Pups Growing Up!

We love seeing pictures of our puppies as they grow!
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Just look how gorgeous Molly is!  Her owner tells us that she is the sweetest pup.  She loves people and is even getting better at not jumping all over them to say hi, lol!  A couple of her favorite things: belly rubs and running full speed!


Luca's owner tells us that he is a fun and funny pup.  He loves everyone and everything!  She loves how playful he is, and yet so calm too.  Some of his favorite things: butt scratches, hugs, and pupcups!! He is truly the best companion she could've asked for!!


Addie's owners tell us that she is so loved.  She has great leaping ability, like a kangaroo, lol!  She is definitely a pesky tween :) and is doing great!


Nova's owners tells us that she is one spoiled pup who is rocking her cool, shaved look! She loves the park, jumping in the pool, and is amazing off leash!  And boy, oh boy, does she love her toys!!


Roxy's owners reports that she is the best dog in the world to just hang out with! She says Roxy has so many funny little quarks and absolutely loves playing games with her humans!  She is one loved pup!


Magnus' owner tells us that he is doing fantastic!! He is so loved, and loves everyone! One of his favorite places to go is the beach.  I'm so jealous, lol!


Wanda is the sweetest little girl!  She is also the biggest lapdog, all she wants is to cuddle up with me, all day, everyday, lol!  She loves playing at the lake and chasing the whitecaps.  She is the best companion dog.  She listens beautifully, and just wants to please.  I sure do love this girl!


Nola is growing into a real beauty!  Her owners say she is an amazing little companion and they love her SO much!  She even gets to spend some time with her sweet little sister, Veyda!


Veyda's owners inform us that she gets photographed more than her human siblings, lol!  She is sooo loved, and sooo smart!  She has been doing fantastic with her potty training since the first day she went home!  Sure love her sweet face!


Winnie is doing fantastic!  Her owner tells us that she is an absolute joy of a puppy, and so very smart! (And always finding something in her mouth, lol!)  She is pure cuteness and spunk!


Belle's owners  feel like they absolutely hit the jack pot with this good, beautiful girl!  They are so proud (and definitely rightly so!) of how beautiful Belle is looking after her very first grooming!  She did amazing, was so calm and patient on the grooming table, the groomer pleasantly reported!


Ducky's parents have reported that little Ducky girl LOVES to play in the water!  (Apparently she was aptly named, lol!)  She is pure love, and is sleeping through the night like a champ!


Ace is absolutely adorable!  His owners report that this little bundle of sweetness is doing awesome!  There's nothing he loves more than playing with his owner!  And little Ace certainly is getting lots and lots of loves!

Flynn Ryder

Flynn Ryder's mama tells us that he is doing fantastic and is exactly what she needed!  He is growing like a champ.  She reports he is a spunky little guy!  His face just melts our hearts!!


Hobie's parents have informed us that this gorgeous boy has completed his shots and is now free to roam the California beaches!!  He is a pup of pure cuddles!  This little man just keeps getting cuter and cuter all the time!


Entei's parents report that he is doing fantastic!  He is growing beautifully.  He LOVES puppaccinos.  And he has become an absolute mamas boy, lol!  He loves playing with both his big, 2-legged and 4-legged brothers!  This little guy is as spunky as ever!


Winston's owners report that Winston is absolutely in love with his human family!  He is so smart, treat motivated, and love motivated!  He is so sweet, that everyone who meets him absolutely adores him!!


Gracie's owners loved their previous pup from us, Belle, that they decided she needed a sister, and so they adopted sweet little Gracie!  They report that Gracie is a sweet little girl, who loves playing with her big sister!

Stanley and Rosco

Stanley and Rosco's owners report that they have the best pups!  They are such loving pups, and they are loving taking TONS of pics of them, lol! 


Tsuki's owners had previously got a pup from us (Entei), and they decided they wanted to get him a sister to play with!  They chose little Tsuki, and the two of them have been living happily ever after!  Two peas in a pod.  They report that Tsuki is playful and a burst of sunshine!


Winnie's owner reports that she is a winner in their home!  She loves playing with the kids, and the whole family are just so absolutely in love with her! 


Albert's owners decided on the name Albert for him after Albert Einstein.  He is super smart, and those eyebrows just give an Einstein vibe, lol!  He is so loved and has just melded in as part of their family!


Ava's mom says Ava is her absolute pride and joy!  She is super cuddly, loving, and is doing awesome!  She couldn't be happier with Ava in her life now!


Oliver's parents say Oliver has become best friend's with their other fur baby, and they are now inseparable!  Oliver has improved all their lives so much!  They love and adore him!


Whoopi's mama loved a previous puppy she had adopted from us (Luca), that she decided he needed a little brother, and chose the gorgeous Mr. Whoopi (short for Rupert).  She reports that he is Luca's little shadow and loves him so much!


Zelda's parents report that she is a very good girl!  She is getting along fantastic with her other doggy sibling.  She is growing into a sweet, soft, bundle of cuddles!


Ace's mom says Ace is the sweetest boy!  And quite the little pistol!  He is so in love with his new family and is sooo loved in return!


Cricket's family says she is the bestest and sweetest dog ever!  She has become one of the family, and she just adores her new home!


Anna's parents report she is an absolute doll!  They love her to pieces and are so happy she is now a part of their life and their family!


Fang's mama says Fang is absolutely wonderful!  He is so playful, energetic, and loving! Some of his favorite things are to play tug and get belly rubs!

Zoe and Sadie

Zoe and Sadie's parents state that they are both getting so big and absolutely gorgeous!  They are loving, playful, obedient, stubborn, and absolutely perfect!


Taffy's mama states Taffy has brought so much more life, excitement, joy, laughs into her life.  She definitely keeps her on her toes.  She's a little firecracker who has an absolute zeal for life.   Also, she must be half kangaroo, she loves to do vertical jumps!


Sola's mama reports that Sola is absolutely just a part of their home and life now.  She is like she has always been a member of their family.  They love her to death!


Charlie's mom tells us that she is all loves!  She loves everyone and everything! She wants to be everyone's friend.  She is sweet and playful, and has melded beautifully as part of their family.


Athena's parents decided that they loved a previous pup they had gotten from us (Nola), that they had to get her a sister!  They chose to take home Athena, and the two of them have become inseparable!  Best friends and sisters from different litters!  


Yankee (AKA Yankee Doodle) is a beautiful spirit, who loves her family dearly.  She fun, loving, playful, and, undoubtedly, a true patriot, lol!



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